Violation of probation is an easy way to find yourself back in court and even back in jail. When the court sets the terms of probation, they are not going to forget about what they have told you your terms are. The Department of Corrections will be certain to keep up and monitor your probation. If you violate, the Department of Corrections could end up being your new home.
Even if you have violated your probation, it does not have to be the end of your freedom. You still have rights that need to be defended and you would be well served to enlist the assistance of a qualified attorney in your area. If you live in Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, or anywhere in South Florida and are seeking assistance because you have violated your probation, or believe that you may have violated your probation, visit the offices of Berman & Tsombanakis, LLC.
Sometimes, drastic consequences of probation violations can be avoided before the Department of Corrections or the courts step in. If you did not mean to violate, but believe that you may have, sometimes it is best to bring that to the attention of your probation officer or the court. Whatever course of action you choose to take be sure that it is on advice of counsel who is familiar with your case and the terms of your probation.
At Berman & Tsombanakis, our attorneys have handled many cases for clients who have violated the terms of their probation. As former Assistant Public Defenders, these types of cases are very familiar to us and we would like the chance to put that experience to work for you. Contact out Fort Lauderdale offices using any of the forms you see on the website or by calling us at (954) 764-6099 or (954) 524-6911.